For Copy Pasting: copyable codes are at the end of this post, scroll to the bottom.
Symmetric Matrix
dimensions of matrix
elements of matrix
Symmetric or Not symmetric
matrix is symetric if m[i][j]=m[j][i] for all i,j in range [1,n]Psuedocode:
startinput n
for i=1 till i=n
for j=1 till j=n
input m[i][j]
end for
end for
check if m[i][j]=m[j][i] for all i,j in range [1,n]
if true
output "Symmetric"
output "Not Symmetric"
end if
Generic Double Ended Queue
I know this code is not good because 'delete from front' should have been done by shifting the elements instead which would make the code longer and this code only works because the test cases are not very long/difficult. But then again, it works, and this is just skillrack so who cares? +time constraint.
Choice of queue and data typeChoice of operation for queue
Choice of operation for deque
the content of queue after each operation from first to last
no processing involved, insertion and deletion is to be done as described in the question.
startwhile choice != exit:
input choice
implement action as defined
output all elements in queue
end while
Vector of Characters
String to be stored in vector1String to be stored in vector2
duplicateVector of vector1duplicateRevVector of vector2
to initialize:for i=1 till i=length of string
end for
to print:
for i=first element of v till i=last element of v
output i
end for
to duplicate:
let e= end of v
for i=first element till i=e
pushback i in v
end for
to dupreverse:
for i=last element till i= first element
pushback i in v
end for
input s1,s2
for i=1 till i=length of s1
end for
for i=1 till i=length of s2
end for
let e= end of v1
for i=first element of v1 till i=e
pushback i in v1
end for
for i=last element in v2 till i= first element in v2
pushback i in v2
end for
for i=first element of v1 till i=last element of v1
output i
end for
for i=first element of v2 till i=last element of v2
output i
end for
Arrange Items for Solar Vehicle
n;details of n bags:
number of items
details of items
names of bags in descending order
no processing involved. sorting has been done using sort algorithm from the algorithm libraryPsuedocode:
startinput n
for i=1 till i=n
input name and number of items in bag
for j=1 till j=number of items
input weight and count of item bagweight=bagweight+weight*count
end for
end for
sort bags by bagweight in desc order
output names of bags (sorted)
List of even Points
(In case of odd-numbered locations they expected "Invalid input" followed by program termination. They never mentioned this anywhere in the question so maybe they thought that we were omniscient or something. idk.
anyway, thanks to my man Sai Teja, for bringing it to my notice that a person "Kenayan" has found out from somewhere what was required.)
anyway, thanks to my man Sai Teja, for bringing it to my notice that a person "Kenayan" has found out from somewhere what was required.)
List of even PointsNumber of towers, 'n'
Name of tower1
X-coordinate of tower1
Y-coordinate of tower1
Name of tower-n
X-coordinate of tower-n
Y-coordinate of tower-n
Name of mobile
X-coordinate of mobile phone
Y-coordinate of mobile phone
Name of the tower
squared distance=(x[i]-x)^2 + (y[i]-y)^2Psuedocode:
startinput n
for i=i till n
input nth towers's name,x,y
end for
input mobile's name,x,y
let min=tends to infinity
for i=1 till n
if(min>ithtowers distance to mobile)
min=th tower's distance to mobile
closest=ith tower
end if
end for
output closest's name
#define b begin()
#define v vector
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;cin>>n; bool flag=true;
v<v<int> > m(n,v<int>(n,0));
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)for(int j=0;j<n;j++)cin>>*((*(m.b+i)).b+j);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)for(int j=i;j<n;j++)
cout<<(flag?"Symmetric":"Not symmetric");
Generic Double Ended Queue :
#define q queue
#define d deque
#define t template
t<class T> q<T>::q(){front=-1;rear=-1;capacity=20;ele=new T[100];}
t<class T> bool q<T>::isempty(){return !(rear+1);}
t<class T> bool q<T>::isfull(){return (rear-front)==(capacity-1);}
t<class T> bool q<T>::enqueue(T data){if(isfull())return false;
ele[++rear]=data; if(front==-1)++front; return true;}
t<class T> T q<T>::dequeue(){if(isempty()){ERR_Flag=true;return T();}
int a=front; if(++front>rear)front=rear=-1; ERR_Flag=false; return ele[a];}
t<class T> q<T>::~q(){delete [] ele;}
t<class T> void q<T>::print(){if(!isempty())
for(int i=front;i<=rear;i++)cout<<ele[i]<<"\n";
else cout<<"Queue is empty\n";}
t<class T> bool d<T>::push_Back(T data){return this->enqueue(data);}
t<class T> bool d<T>::push_Front(T data){if(this->isfull())return false;
for(int i=this->rear;i>=this->front;i--)this->ele[i+1]=this->ele[i];
this->ele[this->front]=data;this->rear++; return true;}
t<class T> T d<T>::pop_Front(){return this->dequeue();}
t<class T> T d<T>::pop_Back(){if(this->isempty()){ERR_Flag=true;return T();}
int a=this->rear;if(--(this->rear)<(this->front))
this->front=this->rear=-1;ERR_Flag=false; return this->ele[a];}
vector of Characters:
#define r charVector
void r::initializeVector(string a){
for(string::iterator x=a.begin();x!=a.end();x++)cv.push_back(*x);}
void r::print(){
for(vector<char>::iterator x=cv.begin();x!=cv.end();x++)cout<<*x;}
void r::dupVector(){int s=cv.size();for(int i=0;i<s;i++)cv.push_back(cv[i]);}
void r::dupRevVector(){for(int i=cv.size()-1;i>=0;i--)cv.push_back(cv[i]);}
Arrange Items for Solar Vehicle :
void bag::get(){cin>>name>>num_Of_Items;
for(int i=0;i<num_Of_Items;i++)cin>>item_Wt[i]>>item_Count[i];}
void bag::print(){cout<<name<<"\n";}
float bag::compute(){float x=0;
for(int i=0;i<num_Of_Items;i++)x+=item_Count[i]*item_Wt[i]; return x;}
bool wayToSort(int i,int j){return i>j;}
void solar::get(){cin>>num_Bags;bag x;for(int i=0;i<num_Bags;i++){
x.get(); m1[x.compute()]=x; v.push_back(x.compute());}}
void solar::sort_Vec(){sort(v.begin(),v.end(),wayToSort);}
void solar::print_In_Order(){
for(vector<float>::iterator i=v.begin();i!=v.end();i++)m1[*i].print();}
List of even Points:(In case of odd-numbered locations they expected "Invalid input" followed by program termination. They never mentioned this anywhere in the question so maybe they thought that we were omniscient or something. idk.
anyway, thanks to my man Sai Teja, for bringing it to my notice that a person "Kenayan" has found out from somewhere what was required.):
#define t point
void t::get(){cin>>name>>x>>y;if(x%2||y%2){cout<<"Invalid input";exit(1);}}
void t::print(){cout<<name;}
int t::dist(t p){return pow(p.x-x,2)+pow(p.y-y,2);}
void mobile::get(){cin>>num_Tower_Pts;
for(int i=0;i<num_Tower_Pts;i++){t x;x.get();tower_Pts.push_back(x);}
t mobile::find_Max(){ int max=0; list<t>::iterator j,h;h=tower_Pts.begin();
if(max<h->dist(mobile_Pt)){max=h->dist(mobile_Pt); j=h;}
return *j;}
#define b begin()
#define v vector
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;cin>>n; bool flag=true;
v<v<int> > m(n,v<int>(n,0));
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)for(int j=0;j<n;j++)cin>>*((*(m.b+i)).b+j);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)for(int j=i;j<n;j++)
cout<<(flag?"Symmetric":"Not symmetric");
Generic Double Ended Queue :
#define q queue
#define d deque
#define t template
t<class T> q<T>::q(){front=-1;rear=-1;capacity=20;ele=new T[100];}
t<class T> bool q<T>::isempty(){return !(rear+1);}
t<class T> bool q<T>::isfull(){return (rear-front)==(capacity-1);}
t<class T> bool q<T>::enqueue(T data){if(isfull())return false;
ele[++rear]=data; if(front==-1)++front; return true;}
t<class T> T q<T>::dequeue(){if(isempty()){ERR_Flag=true;return T();}
int a=front; if(++front>rear)front=rear=-1; ERR_Flag=false; return ele[a];}
t<class T> q<T>::~q(){delete [] ele;}
t<class T> void q<T>::print(){if(!isempty())
for(int i=front;i<=rear;i++)cout<<ele[i]<<"\n";
else cout<<"Queue is empty\n";}
t<class T> bool d<T>::push_Back(T data){return this->enqueue(data);}
t<class T> bool d<T>::push_Front(T data){if(this->isfull())return false;
for(int i=this->rear;i>=this->front;i--)this->ele[i+1]=this->ele[i];
this->ele[this->front]=data;this->rear++; return true;}
t<class T> T d<T>::pop_Front(){return this->dequeue();}
t<class T> T d<T>::pop_Back(){if(this->isempty()){ERR_Flag=true;return T();}
int a=this->rear;if(--(this->rear)<(this->front))
this->front=this->rear=-1;ERR_Flag=false; return this->ele[a];}
vector of Characters:
#define r charVector
void r::initializeVector(string a){
for(string::iterator x=a.begin();x!=a.end();x++)cv.push_back(*x);}
void r::print(){
for(vector<char>::iterator x=cv.begin();x!=cv.end();x++)cout<<*x;}
void r::dupVector(){int s=cv.size();for(int i=0;i<s;i++)cv.push_back(cv[i]);}
void r::dupRevVector(){for(int i=cv.size()-1;i>=0;i--)cv.push_back(cv[i]);}
Arrange Items for Solar Vehicle :
void bag::get(){cin>>name>>num_Of_Items;
for(int i=0;i<num_Of_Items;i++)cin>>item_Wt[i]>>item_Count[i];}
void bag::print(){cout<<name<<"\n";}
float bag::compute(){float x=0;
for(int i=0;i<num_Of_Items;i++)x+=item_Count[i]*item_Wt[i]; return x;}
bool wayToSort(int i,int j){return i>j;}
void solar::get(){cin>>num_Bags;bag x;for(int i=0;i<num_Bags;i++){
x.get(); m1[x.compute()]=x; v.push_back(x.compute());}}
void solar::sort_Vec(){sort(v.begin(),v.end(),wayToSort);}
void solar::print_In_Order(){
for(vector<float>::iterator i=v.begin();i!=v.end();i++)m1[*i].print();}
List of even Points:(In case of odd-numbered locations they expected "Invalid input" followed by program termination. They never mentioned this anywhere in the question so maybe they thought that we were omniscient or something. idk.
anyway, thanks to my man Sai Teja, for bringing it to my notice that a person "Kenayan" has found out from somewhere what was required.):
#define t point
void t::get(){cin>>name>>x>>y;if(x%2||y%2){cout<<"Invalid input";exit(1);}}
void t::print(){cout<<name;}
int t::dist(t p){return pow(p.x-x,2)+pow(p.y-y,2);}
void mobile::get(){cin>>num_Tower_Pts;
for(int i=0;i<num_Tower_Pts;i++){t x;x.get();tower_Pts.push_back(x);}
t mobile::find_Max(){ int max=0; list<t>::iterator j,h;h=tower_Pts.begin();
if(max<h->dist(mobile_Pt)){max=h->dist(mobile_Pt); j=h;}
return *j;}
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